Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!


<3 u Nap. Be well. U can always message us if u need anything

i posted self vote and ate itā€™s locktrochi

but marshal i have TMI i am morally obligated to not take bets :^)

The term ā€œcanā€™t have shit in detriotā€ has been said on this forum twice ever, one of them being you in WWFM and the other being this game

I had the tonal read earlier but that kind of confirmed it for me lol

Iā€™ll likely be in the next Fol even if derps is in it feel like now I have a greater perspective on them


Also ur identity accidentally got leaked in spec chat after a series of miscommunication and misinterpretation

Sorry about that

ā€œcanā€™t have shit in detroitā€ lmao thatā€™s what got me
but i used capital letters smh

Why did both alts decide to admit they were an alt?

Iā€™m p sure that I was obvious.

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Yeah u kinda were lol

Iā€™m sad you got converted n1. But I kinda suspected it

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you couldnā€™t even have an undetected alt
you indeed
cannot have shit in detroit

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Can we give Whysper MVP for fricking Unseen?


Hopefully my play gets better :3

I was debating on lynching rune which would have been the best option

Wait are we even allowed to discuss MVPs

eh it was obvious
and yeah i saw myself as a convert f

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I actually suggested the visit on para

so you were the one that fucked my game
twas fun anyways though alting was a fun experience

And in doing so you fricked Unseen, but NK still got us

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