Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

aren’t you supposed to be sleeping

i’m pretending i didn’t encourage people to kill seth in the end because i’m a :confused: person

i am

why are you not doing that

i don’t have a good answer to that question, especially one that isn’t self-deprecating

how does alice not get bored of winning games


too much salt in this thread by the way
let’s yeet it all away


so what I’m hearing is

remove NK

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I do think 1 miss yeet and 1 vig shot is a bit demanding of bd to mess up honestly.

Normal Fm miss yeets are actually sometimes useful and benefit miss yeeting here once seems almost like a death sentence

Tbf Seth was scum for the wrong reasons lol and we messed up on last


you should probably do that

not that I’ve never stayed up until 3:51 AM, I’m absolutely speaking from a place of hypocrisy here, but sleep is generally important


I don’t think it’s helpful to conceptualize not getting enough sleep as, like, a moral failing

Last was way too rushed ;]

Logically speaking seth made sense that him being the demon wasn’tpossible and that if Rune is demon we’re screwed but had a chance if he was nk

I still stand by the play not being bad

I was honestly relying on Vulgard there to figure it out.
Anyway, I knew Rune was Alice since Day 1.
I figured out they were Demon since EoD of Day 1 sorta and was confident Day 3.
You may say I’m a bad player but if someone has accurate solves and they are a good player your just a bad player for not realizing the truth.

Rune was always the optimal lynch but you are all dumb and for now on I’m going to self vote and tell everyone they are absent minded.

I’m the only one who didn’t vote don’t blame me

Pretty sure I said give me time to think about it ‘-’

Alice got the fuckin MM.
They legit called Light MM when the role they are claiming makes no sense for it.
Like how absent minded are people?

Vulgard should have known better.

Nice try buddy.
I knew Alice was Demon since the Gecko.


Why was my play bad