Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I would have gotten miss exed either way tho

And like you say town would have read my thoughts but consider this

Scum had control of thread

And how often do town actually do that on this fourms? Not often

Do you see the problem with getting a town lynched and wasting princes executions

because You claimed last hour when prince couldnā€™t jail you

I didnā€™t want to Execute magnus

meh, you might hav been able to swing it

only delayed things

it gave pushers (in good and bad faith) a lot of ammo against you that doomed you

It would have been better if more town were active lol

Bruh Ik but you were obviously not fucking prince right? yeah ok? so then explain why do you think anyones going to vote with you.

Because I was pretty obvious town

At the very least I was obv not group scum

yes but they werenā€™t

basically, fine paly in theory if done right, but didnā€™t work and I think you could have seen that

I didnā€™t follow much, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt

To someone like me you werenā€™t of course people whoā€™ve played games or took notice on how you play should

Speaking from experience with you ā€“

ā€“sometimes your reads are very accurate, like in this game (and I do think itā€™s fair to be proud of having accurate reads this game). And ā€“ it sounds like, from your point of view, youā€™re looking at games like this one, or like MHA Mafia, and concluding that your reads are always perfect, and everyone else is bad for not listening to them.

But a lot of the time, your reads arenā€™t accurate ā€“ for instance, in JoaT^2 and DGaDT, you spent large parts of the game tunnelling town, or defending wolves with flimsy reasoning. Furthermore, Iā€™ve noticed that you have a tendency not to work with other players ā€“ you want them to listen to you, but youā€™re not willing to listen to them, even when theyā€™re correct. Additionally, you donā€™t tend to reevaluate, even when proven wrong, you just keep tunnelling aggressively rather than reconsidering your worldview.

Put together, I think those traits make people less likely to listen to you ā€“ not because theyā€™re bad, but because your reads are not consistently accurate enough for people to just sheep them, and your lack of willingness to work with other people makes it harder to convince people that your reads are correct even when they are.


I mean even just VCA should have been pretty glaring that I was almost never gscum

Your referring to yourself there buddy.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s just my experience with you SDA but youā€™re incredibly easy to read

Bleh I honestly can never justify your play.

Yikes the toxicity has gone up by likeā€¦ a solid 20%

Have you played with w me before?


I Re-Eval with a flip.
No Flip, No Re-Eval