Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Reminder that awards voting ends 2020-09-07T00:50:00Z !

Get em in!

Iā€™ll want to see it in action before I give any conclusions, but itā€™d make playing with you a hell of a lot more enjoyable
Good on you for considering what other people have to say

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Yeah everyoneā€™s always in need of improvements. Not just you, me and everyone

At least I think town did better then normal apart from slankers.

Work together as a faction instead of going against each other.

also: i do go by they pronouns as well as she, just an fyi in case anyone thought i deliberately misgendered myself in order to ā€œhide my altā€

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really donā€™t care about doing alt things with alts

my question was serious can you answer it

I donā€™t know man.
Alice is top tier.

Not sure about Chuck but heā€™s pretty good as well.

idk ur question but i may be able to answer

if u dont feel comfortable asking here, dm me

Sorry been working

Im checking now

DatBird is being added to all of your classcards, this is for the teamwork award vote thingy

do not be alarmed

or do be alarmed i cant stop you




Even though I wasnā€™t in this game.

Can this have best neutral next time? :frowning:

Literally the best plays were made by nk bro

well theres only two candidates for best neutral

not really a worthwhile reward

It is tho :slight_smile:

Or at least best scummy/neut player including nks, neuts and faction scum

i mean id consider most neuts scum for the purpose of this vote

and every FoL game will only have 2-3 neutrals so i donā€™t think having a neut specific reward makes much sense

esp cause a lot of FoL neuts dont really have that much impact? like fol28 for example, the NK got yeeted immediately and the crusader uhā€¦ they existed

fol27 where the scorned got strongmanned N1 (but the reaper played decently well)

could prob think of more examples but yeah


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I already sent my vote to Chleb via a PM, do I need to get into Rune and vote there?

probably not

ill double check with chleb to make sure