Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Someone clearly doesn’t understand sarcasm

Sarcasm, probably.

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Uh…Mindmelding, I see.

Why not? You’re basically one of the people who have been having most content in your posts.

You aren’t bothering to solve any slots today. Why do you think you’ll be a good choice for allies?

This type of sass… not sure if that comes from scum a lot

Because there are far better players than me here, and I wouldn’t want PKR to waste a spot on someone that’s self-admitted not as experienced as they’d like to be.

Literally day 1 I actually do not understand that you can’t comprehend that I’ve said I’m planning on making reads and solves later I work better when isos diving someone and focusing on them alone.

Who else would you suggest to go in allies?

Yeah that’s the internet.
Looks like I’m not the only one.

I’d suggest a mix of you, CRich, and Light as you three are my top TRs. If I do end up in allies though, I promise to be as helpful as I can.

Snap reads
  • SoulShade55r - Slight SL
  • Wazza - Null
  • RuneScimitar - TL
  • CRichard564 - Null
  • Paradox - Slight TL
  • PokemonRyanKid :crown: - pushes up glasses sTaTiStIcAlLy SpEaKiNg-
  • ATNoName - Slight TL
  • Insanity - Slight SL
  • Surge - Null
  • Whysper - Null, kinda leaning town but not enough posts
  • eevee - Null
  • an_gorta_pratai - Null
  • Magnus - Slight SL
  • SirDerpsALot - Null
  • Chaos_Coffee - Null, kinda leaning wolf but not enough posts
  • Light - Lockscum obv
  • Frostwolf103 - Null
  • Intensify - Very mixed feelings about this slot. Some posts are bad, others I really like such as keeping thread on track and asking for reads. - Will wait further


D1 is literally one of the most important days in FM. If you’re not willing to solve today then you’ll be useless come night.

Could you explain this?

if your not going to bother reading what I say then ok

Hey guys remember, town doesn’t win by independently argueing with each other, they win by cooperating


In B4 Light and Intensify are both wolves that accidentally posted the same thing from scum chat

He was on for a bit, but didn’t do really anything useful, and his posts sounded weird and I didn’t like them

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I’m not too sure about that, if everyone did cooperate wouldn’t there be misyeets?

oh shit my stepscum posted the same thing I did?

Play the game and be villagery, then.