Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

This post here comes from more of a Town then PoV then a Scum then PoV.
Soul’s probably Town based on this post.

Why not just give this thread a few more time before I could form some read or something :eyes:

Why did I write “then” so much?
Lol :joy: I should really re-read before I type but I probably still won’t next time.

I actually wouldn’t town read myself outside my Pov from this post

I believe there was a discussion earlier on not reading players solely by meta? I’ll say again that meta has it’s place in supplementing a read, while not being the read itself.


Do it by EoD2 or you’re dead.


That is threatening though.

This may get way too meta but in short it’s NAI

I’m just saying it comes more from a Town PoV.

Well that’s a bit scary. Rune, I like that you’re pushing players to form reads and get more involved but you have come off as a little threatening recently.

Like when I looked at the first part it was NAI it was just the last part I was like “Would Soul as Scum say this?”

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It’s simple, I’m hunting wolves.

To do that I build a towncore and keep them out of my PoE. If you don’t post AI content regardless of your alignment then you will remain in the PoE and I will push you for a lynch.

Elaborate on “threatening”
Do you mean they seem to be more aggressive?

I agree with this.

Yes, I am going to post my reads and stuff if there is more stuff in this thread.

I mean threatening lol. As in pushing people to the point of threatening a kill if they were a TK role. It’s not bad in and of itself I just quite literally mean threatening as in, making very strong threats.

Also I’m a Rune Scimitar.

I’m a weapon, so of course I’m going to be threatening.

Is there a specific post your referring to?
