Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I’m looking forward to your ISO of me then lol.
butler poison me owo

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Might do it d2 but currently you seem pretty townie from what I’ve seen. (I’ll try before EOD though)

I know there’s…quite a bit of it.

Reading back is lame
I think Rune should be in allies, and I’m actually starting to warm up to the idea of Soul bring in there, I saw like three ISOs on my way down (and indeed liked the one on Whysper).

I’m fine with that I just Really want clear allies targets.

Same. In case PKR ends up being EK, clear targets gives him no wiggle room regardless.

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PKR kind of been lacking today considering they are meant to be the main lead.

they have no real excuse like “it’s day 1 can be converted”

Wait, the king can be converted??

They have no real excuse

I think I’m misinterpreting what’s going on
I’m just gonna leave it alone

I think Soul was referring to the fact that there’s conversion N1.

Any comments btw I’m actually slightly scum leaning you light

I understand that you don’t like my fluffposting


Oh well

But as for the part about copying Rune, no, although I do think they have very strong/similar reads, I disagree on some things such as Intensify is still null for me

Current Poe: Derp/Wazza/eevee/Frost/Magnus/Light/Insanity
Town Read: whysper/Richard/Gorta/Seth/Intensify/Paradox
Null: Pkr/Chaos/ATNo/Rune

(Seriously how do you color stuff again)

I’ll make sure to look at you again I was mainly tired of making reads but I saw a lot of fluff and may have skipped something important

like this

Remove spaces between red] and like and this and [/color]

You can choose a bunch of colors
Or just use a hex code

[colo r=r ed ] like this whoops[/color]

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Just remove the spaces

I personally love pink

Ty Ty