Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

says the guy who didn’t read the dead player’s logs
Okay, I’m done now.

Intensify and chaos died last night.
I think we should take a good look at Intensify’s last read list as I think should give a clue as to who his killer might be.

That’s something we definitely need to do, and I’ll go over his ISO in better detail once I have time.

His readlist points to no one. Everyone was either null or town before night falls.

Yet why kill him?
He wasn’t widely town read.

To be fair, Intensify’s opening post seemed weird though from my past experience they usually are obvious town once you give them time.

Do you think he was killed because he would be likely to get clear midgame?

Hmmm if my information is anything to go by, unless someone occupied Insanity they’re probably not a killer.

I mean hes bleeding right now, so there no point in making him sus unless he wasn’t occupied.

He claimed bleeding right now?
I see.

Nope, Insanity didn’t claim it. Rune claimed they bled Insanity

I don’t think Insanity’s online now to claim it actually.

then again, he could be the killer, but hes probably dead D4 since Rune is most likely town here.

There’s always the possibility that Rune is a scum that can bleed, though it’s quite unlikely.

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there are so many possibilities that a computer won’t be able to calculate it, so let’s not do that and use social tools to do so.

Is that your way of saying thanks for discouraging the scum from killing you?
Some friend you are.

You didn’t really force, so I thought Light was joking like always.

Perhaps I was a little unfair towards L1ght.
I should give them more slack for that.

there’s no 1 in my name

It’s not like you’re lockscum I just didn’t quite like it

That’s possible though as I said, we start with their last readlist when we look for clues as to why the wolves killed him.