Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Chaos is one the most questionable kills actually. It seems like it came someone TRing them.

Iā€™ve been thinking that whoever killed Chaos did so to get rid of socially confirmed town.

Think about it. Confirmed townies are a threat to evils because they are slots the evils canā€™t hide in.
Confirm townies make the PoE easier to do and if my theory is correct, then the killer is deliberately going for confirmed town 1st.

Well of course it did, if scum killed Chaos wouldnā€™t they already be confirmed town to the scum?

And for someone to know Chaos was confirmed town, they must have TRed them sometime.

Chaos was blatantly town in their D1 posts.
I think everyone would have agreed Chaos is socially town.
So that doesnā€™t help narrow down who the killer is much.

I mean some people here said that Chaosā€™s ISO felt a bit off, but that was like for the first 4 posts

Well true, then they started actually posting and near-confirmed themselves to be newbtown. Again, this doesnā€™t really narrow down the killer at all like CRich said.

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That is true. I didnā€™t like their 1st 4 posts to be honest.
Though they were able to prove their towniness by posting more.

yikes, then we are back to square one with who killed Chaos

Weā€™ve stayed at square one and havenā€™t improved in the slightest in analyzing these kills.

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Welp, I guess we gotta do some poking then.

I hope chaos does get to play more must suck


Honestly, I hope so too. I understand the reasoning behind his death better now, but if youā€™re reading this Chaos FoL isnā€™t always like that

Uhhh, PKR, what happened last night in the allies that causes you to vote Gorta?

I can explain better, if youā€™d like.

Go ahead, sure.

The reasoning was that we werenā€™t going to get anything much out of gortaā€™s slot this soon without some pressure, and the way he responds to it and how should be easily able to actually gather a lot of information on him. Generic reasoning, sure, but that doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t be effective.

Wait, so last night allies were Gorta and you?

Last night was Paradox and Rune, how tf did you get gorta out of that?