Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Yeah, I should’ve thought about that a bit more lol, my apologies.

I guess it could actually refer to derp being scum aswell but eh don’t think they would have brought that up

Also I say again theirs for sure scum in the top posters

Anyhow since I have been corrected, it was gonna “this is gonna to be a big interaction isn’t it”

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ok can you maybe like idk read the content?

I know it’s been mentioned before, but can I ask if you have an idea of which of the top posters are scum? That statement doesn’t do much unless you can back it up.

:joy_cat:noname and soul :joy_cat::joy_cat:

I’m sorry, I don’t see them

Yes then can you actually use logic to defend or backup?

I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall here

I’m fairly sure Soul isn’t scum here, again, do you have any other evidence besides lolthunderdome?

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anyhow, we got enough for Derps. I’m gonna reread Derps ISO. make a conclusion and move on.

Rune is exactly NK?

I feel like it’s just a lazy push with lazy reasoning.

I could see something like that happen but I mean scum would at least think before they say something on their scum buddy

I want derps to actually contribute and actually care about the games state reasoning ect.

This is like his only scum read everything else in null and townc

I just meant Rune can’t be part of groupscum

I see absolutely no other reason he would die here



I will catch up with this game a bit more in a bit, but what in the hell. I don’t want to claim, but I will if I have to

That’s just intesnify

That’s a very good question. I can’t answer it right now though. Give me more time to think on it

That’s the only reason I see him dying

Tho I have no fucking idea why chaos was killed lmao

He was spewed not prince and had like no reads