Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I did say the main reason I was on it was for information, not a desire to actually see him yote.

It would certainly make your life easier

None of our wolfreads flipped yet. How the fuck do you think wolves have thread control here?

Itā€™s not something Iā€™m willing to hard push you on atm but itā€™s something in keeping in mind

Due to the kills lol

that is bad because youā€™re not going to get information of someone who knows what to expect

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None of them were on a PR read nor did they have particularly strong reads which means scum Probabaly are mostly townread

So you are telling me it canā€™t be anyone else? And also, you are telling me Intensifyā€™s read has to be 100% accurate? there are many times a townā€™s readlist wasnā€™t correct.

This is a role-madness game. Doc-dodging exists as we could have protectives on our towncore.

God I just wanna sleep but have to keep reading this thread ;-;

IF YOU THINK wolfs have a hold on the thread do something about it stop complaining make reads stop being a waste of a slot.

Gorta push is lazy but needed to get Gorta to do something

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I just said Iā€™m not hard pushing it but I think itā€™s the most likely reason why he was killed

Iā€™ll admit you have a point here. Who do you think should be a main wagon instead?

I am doing something lol

The first step to fixing it is realizing wolves control the thread

Hard to fix a problem when you donā€™t realise itā€™s their

So who are the wolves controlling the thread?

Their in the top posters

Are you referring to Soul here, since youā€™ve apparently SRā€™d them?

Iā€™m legit just saying their in the top posters not referring to anyone specific

What exactly makes you believe this?
Like you literally havenā€™t done anything productive from my POV you havenā€™t said what makes you think that wolfs have ā€œtook over the threadā€ you are just giving weird speculation based on high posters and weird scum slip reads all Iā€™m asking is for you to actually read D1 and actually give your thoughts on it no ones going to be voting with you or with you otherwise so please give people reasons why they should.

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the people trying to push the wagons into existence for non-alignment reasons

unfortunately I have not read the mechanics so I canā€™t tell if yeeting PKR is bad or not

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I mean there is only one scenario which is Rune is Demon who bled Insanity very early, initiate a kill on Intensify because no one would question it and then gscum decided to doc dodge by killing Chaos instead of CRich/Paradox/Me or Light or Rune?