Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Could you clarify this, I don’t think it’s a waste of time in the slightest. For instance, I obviously can’t be here 24/7, and even though I’m a top poster I still like to read what I miss to have a better grasp of the thread and develop my reads.

So what do wolf do with the top town posters?

i have said i don’t want allies, i get put in allies. i say i’m not that experienced, i get protectives on me. i am confusion

has anyone said that paradox is town yet
paradox is town

I don’t have time to backread the hundreds of posts I miss when I’m busy

Do they simple ignore them in hope they get yeeted for living too long?

I think it might’ve been mentioned once or twice.

Ignore them for a while, convert them, kill them if they start to get their

I honestly don’t know if we’ll get anywhere with derps sadly

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Sadly, it does not seem like it here.

It’s because I’m wolf or dumb town?

and kill all the mid-low poster? seems like a bad plan that worked because half of the player are inactive.

I feel like we will just get “nah lol too busy to bother” eitherway this slot will just randomly flip scum or town Idk I wouldn’t mind it being lynched but it shouldn’t be a big focus it’s just a waste

you don’t offer much either way I don’t feel like you want to try

I mean, if you have time to play now you have time to read imo. But that’s all I’ll say on the matter now.


Also, you are assuming NK and gscum coordinate very well which doesn’t make sense

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I hear you.
That’s the thing about Derps.

i see you lurking
come, join us

Iv said it before and I’ll say it again

I don’t

Get shit

From back reading

It is a

Waste of


Also SDA is just lazy