Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I get it

Literally not.

I was gonna let this argument continue, but when I got back on, ended up being another rabbit hole to dig into.

It’s true you are Someone will scumread you and you just say OMG DO SOMETHING UR NOT DOING ANYTHING”

Good morning everyone, I have some thoughts. Mist, Soul, it’s alright to take a break for a bit if this is getting too heated. Also, PKR, I would like to request again that if you do use Allies, don’t do it on me again.


@Soulshade55r @Mistyx… hi, I am going to say this one time, politely… shut, the fuck, up.

because the entire scum read makes no sense and is based off me Omgusing when I already was scum reading them

I’m csing soul tonight

uh ok then damn.

That dosent change my point that you’re ignoring anything anyone does because when someone including me scumreads you all you do is screech for us to do something lmfao

fully admitting it’s probably a good call to do so


Congrats. Anyway, I see nothing wrong with pressuring inactives for content, but at some point you have to just realize they don’t give a fuck. You can’t make a case on someone for being inactive unless they have major inactivity tells.

Yeah sorry, I had to get some sleep, I’ll get some things done now.

don’t react like this when you two are also being inactive like I am. You signed up for the game now play it, I have reasoning on why I haven’t played it much but you guys haven’t informed anyone.

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Just stop for fucks sake.

I’m saying do something because you have literally done nothing but complain that I have pushed low voters to not contribute. I have proven that Mistyx is wrong in that I’m only omgus voting them

I mean it was Saturday, and remember SFOL63 where he said he was not that active on that specific day of the week?

You’re :joy_cat:wolf​:joy_cat:

And I’m going to box you In

CONGRATS. Is your ego satisfied? It’s an inherently faulty push from both sides, and it’s honestly better to leave this for when Mist has entirely caught up on the thread and can make full reads and produce content.

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ofc I remember it.

But it’s clearly not the same since he’s 12 hours ahead of me which would make it Sunday at around 6am daystart.

hmm fair enough.