Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I don’t need justification for doing it, I don’t care and won’t read you for it, but technicly it needs to be made public.

If you want to explain it to someone, go to gorta, he asked you about it.

Lets see if I have this right?
You think I should be in PoE because you think I’m cruel enough to do those night kills, when for all we know it could be someone more suspicious such as Derps if they weren’t occupied/jailed N2.
In other words, your suspicion on my slot is just that. A suspicion.
Anything I missed?

Derps could’ve done it, but hes getting jailed

Good and I’d like to see the Prince correct the mistake of not yeeting Derps D2.


First of all - Prince is 100% town with his kills coming from town and with higher knowledge (claims etc).
If you have someone you want to kill, you lynch them and not leave it to someone with better PoV than general.


Second of all -

Derps was trying to say that every lynch is better than his from his PoV, since he is town. So he claimed prince to save a misslynch.
More or less this.

the fuck, y’all are telling me to do stuff when I was sleeping at that point and have a lot of schoolwork to accomplish.

Hell I even missed my action last night so you can heck off.

Also, PKR stop being so GT Trigger Happy, remember what happened last time when that happened? Surge got spiralled into being EK so fast, and don’t say ‘Oh it’s different mechanics’ because even if so, that wouldn’t change much.


Looks like this game is going to go the way of SFoL 63. Oh cripes.

Easy fix vote atnoname

Third of all, I kinda hinted at it, but some classes can prove/disprove Derps mechaniclly.

He clains he redireced NoName ao… @ATNoName can you or someone else confirm that your action went / didnt go through?

Just yes / no is enough.

Anyhow, his inactivity speaks for himself.


Idk, I was jailed.

which basically means a no

It’s fine though, it’s not like if I got an action in it would’ve changed literally anything.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Vote Count
SirDerpsAlot Light 1/7
Wazza Soulshade55r 1/7
Not Voting Wazza, RuneScimitar, CRichard564, Paradox, PokemonKidRyan, Insanity, Surge, eevee, an_gorta_pratai, SirDerpsAlot, ATNoName 11

ping me if any votes are missed but since i am amazing host i missed no votes probably



I’m bored, let’s start.

Apologies everyone, here to say I can’t be as active as I’d like to be tonight, personal issues came up. I’ll be checking in as often as I can though.

So NoName jailed N2 clears him as not NK/Assassin/CL.
Then whoever was jailed N1 can’t be NK/Assassin/CL either.
Also if we have anyone who exhumed Intensify and/or Chaos D2, they should out results now so we can figure out which group scum we’re up against.


sda looser confirmed
whats the dealio with AT

Original post was

Please do not quickedit posts outside of MINOR GRAMMAR errors and such.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Vote Count
Wazza Soulshade55r 1/7
Not Voting Wazza, RuneScimitar, CRichard564, Paradox, PokemonKidRyan, Insanity, Surge, eevee, an_gorta_pratai, SirDerpsAlot, ATNoName, Light 12

ping me if any votes are missed but since i am amazing host i missed no votes probably