Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

am i still self shaming myself yes

Aren’t they more likely to be occupied early game?

If we’re talking strictly numbers here they’d be less likely to be occupied early game?

Except it doesn’t the point I’m making here.
2 f 1 is a 1 use ability and if that gets used for nothing because of occupy, heal or any reason in particular then that can mean the difference between an Unseen win/loss.
1 vote can make a surprisingly big difference.

You say this assuming it’s Unseen and not Cult when it’s more probable it’s Cult here.

Hmm the lack of bleeds that Seth is talking about and the fact that the CL only has 1 bleed.
Upon second thought, I can see this being a cult game though I’d like to be sure with an exhume.

If it is a cult game as Seth suspects, then according to the CL class card then they must have failed N1 conversion as they can’t eradicate if there are already 3 or more cult.

Can’t eradicate and brainwash.

no??? they can’t eradicate and convert n2 isn’t a convert night

I really hope the investigatives have found something.
Magnus not even posting logs as a maid is a bad sign.
Though is it possible their logs were altered?

What class could alter the logs when people were executed?

(Not killed by night kill)

So most likely Magnus just forgot to leave a log.

I mean maid can’t find anything N1

Eh, at least leave something I suppose.

Possessor can alter logs.
Though they were executed in the day, so that mean they didn’t have any logs at all.

That is what I mean in the first place :eyes:

Unless I need to work on my english grammar again

This is Magnus we’re talking about and in SFoL 63, he was pretty much absent apart from posting one and disappearing from the thread as town.

Welp, I’m back

Welcome back k

you know I’m upset that many of you skipped my soft…