Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

If you need yet another argument on why I’m the NK, why wasn’t Gorta dead n2 when I clearly noticed that he was the Prince? The NK’s main enemy is the Prince and since the only ones who knew gorta was Prince were Soul and I then I could have just doinked him then.

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the only way seth might not be legit is in a world where nk was killing two people last night somehow

then i’d be transfering from crich to paradox

I feel like you could have known he was not a threat but I can agree with this honestly

alternatively they were killing both gorta and paradox in some way
they would have to be sorc?

Demon or Sorc can do this

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Shit, just remembered that Sorc can kill multiple people at once as well. Sorc!Seth is a possible world with him fakeclaiming the bombs as his marks.

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rune is only nk if demon and seth is only nk if he was killing two people last night
thus allowing him to “confirm” by killing paradox while simultaneously killing the prince
or he was going to kill gorta and crich but i transferred from crich to paradox

Interesting to note that Seth thought Rich was Prince in mystic chat

fair point

Well, where did the assassin nightkill from Paradox go? or am I just dumb?

it didn’t go anywhere because it was hh’d

This just makes shit more complicated.

Insanity HH’d Paradox.

in this case we’re living in a light starting assa + crich convert (?) + seth nk (exactly sorc) world

seth’s iso also contains multiple instances of him being very interested in who’s getting yeeted / targeted at night
which would be consistent with him trying hard to place his bombs correctly

And I can see a problem with that immediately.

Okay, so I am just dumb.

Lets see 1 Death from prince confirmed
Assassin was HH’d
4 Deaths that would be 3 bombs so doesn’t match up

the problem being that you think i’m groupscum with crich don’t you

Well, I was going to say that I’m not groupscum, and I think it’s pretty obvious to literally everyone that I didn’t start groupscum, either.