Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

“I am toxic for your own good” incoming :kappa:

toxic forumer


Geyde bad for killing chats

But also I like potential FoL changes so :shrug:

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I don’t do it out of malice
I do it out of moral obligation

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scum chat was god tier we were memeing hardcore

imagine being scum
this was brought to you by people who didn’t do anything in the sign-up thread nor spectated

One does not simply outmeme joycrab haven

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if it makes you feel better

the memes in scumchat were pretty below average from my experience

granted, i usually up the meme count of any scumchat tenfold by my existence alone

why delete chat


because no vanity searches for you

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me: geyde why did you delete scum/spec chat
geyde: because it was funny
me: fuck you

im not laaaaaaughinggggggggggg

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This also aged well.

You see it’s 10x more likely for that to happen if me and kyo aren’t hosting

From now on, your name shall be “Shitnugget.”

Got it, Shitnugget?


I will take this to heart
Just so you regret your decision

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Something like this?


You can never outannoy me, Shitnugget. Your fate is SeOwOaled.

Yuwu will fail

This isn’t a boast
This is a statement