Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

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Why did NK automatically win?

thats how mafia works

part of their wincon. depending on the type of NK, if they reach final X people alive, they win by default.

If they lived to F4, they would automatically win.

And since they used Haemophilia, there was nothing that could prevent them from reaching F4.

Otherwise BD won since it’s agreed it’s either Seth/Rune

at least i did a thing
i managed to prevent my slot from being misyeeted after it lowposted

i’m not sure why i thought the nk would attack on night 4 at all in a world where seth is getting hh’d
if he’s nk he’s screwed either way
if he’s not nk the actual nk wants him yeeted and will noaction to frame him because he’s actually misyeetable

but i have these hindsight dumb moments pretty much every game so

I don’t think it’d be a 100% chance for BD to win. I could still ML Vulgard after lynching Seth.

challenge accepted
though i think you could tbh
i didn’t have the advantage of doing… literally anything pre-d3/d4 in this game

fun fact
3/3 times i replaced in (looming threat does not exist) it was into a slot of a Villager Not Playing The Game iirc

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No that’s true, not 100% procent.


i’d thought you were still going to get misyeeted vulgard, and sadly i was wrong lmao

Well not really.
Because after my flip you pretty much confirmed Demon unless your saying that everyone ignored me and would do the big dumb dumb?

After your flip the game was over, so : /

It was you or Alice, hello?

You basically hand her the win