Segaco is life, so agreed
I’m just catching up. I just read 50 posts. And got my role. Both of which reminds me of when I wanted to be a back-up.
What role could you possibly have that is so bad?
It’s useful, just not very fun.
should of joined sooner my freind
Same here. Though I’m not complaining.
I’m fine with this role, on second thought.
##also everyone can still use day powers
Stop lying to yourself.
No. I misinterpreted this role because of the rolecard. I read the card again, and realized I have a pretty fun class.
Pyrite is like Gold,
Except gold makes bucks
Damafaud is like Raven
Let’s finish the rhyme!
Ew Haiku.
Just to be absolutely sure @FadeBlade @Queen_Alfa, voting has no effect on Day 1, yes? So a Mercenary couldn’t kill me for voting his target, right?
I hope not. Last thing we need is someone to accidentally get themselves killed due to forum shenganians.
that is correct day 1 is just for day powers like prince and for people to confirm
Was Day 1 always full length? Dang.
only until everyone has confirmed
Ah, ok. Who are we waiting on?