Forum of Lies 6 (The Unseen, The fool and The Alchemist has won)

Want me to hardclaim now or when my role is proven? :stuck_out_tongue:

Until I have reason to believe you’re 100% BD, I’m not trusting you. That goes to everyone. Even you Bounty.

silently muffles curse words toward Orange

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Curses PKR under his breath

You can wait :yum:

Wish I was a NK

A new feature has been added to my game called “Fol Events” this feature will be on the main post of this thread.
Fol events will help players understand and look back at past events quicker than usual like the day write ups, psychic messages kings nomination etc…

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:gun: End the day Bounty :wink:

Yeah, you made pretty much every big call incorrect, then buggered off and joined the winners. seems legit. Deserves a beating :wink:

Sure, as long as you sheep me next time :stuck_out_tongue:


You can lead when you can pick up scum tells better :stuck_out_tongue:

Forogt to /conform

@orangeandblack5 So who’re you killing tonight?

Probably PKR tbh

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Tbh, same.

The awkward moment where you are late to a game and there are too many posts to read.

I’m a noot noot-ral King

I’m not mad, just disappointed



(Jk, I know it was luck of rng. I hope…)

Hang neutral scum king tomorrow :rage::rage:

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