Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

we should be fine

Ingeel could be it.

1 serve wine has infinite uses
2 i have not remembered as night immunity is more useful in my opinion

if there was a mistake and priest never revived when they should of
the day should restart or be edited right?

that could be the mistake, that day is running, and that once its started and info was revealed, ie night results, eevee couldnt go back and change it

i dont care thats not our fault
if night actions are given there the results given
can easily be changed rather than continuing the day

i know
im just saying that its possible

if that was the case then there is no point continueing as the game could have a different outcome
than what the players decided



So the last logic step is to occupy the Mastermind.

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see what i mean, pkr?

prince can do that
if that was the mod mistake
as polik should be revived

There has been two roleblocks on Night 2 > Day 3 correct?

wait prince should be back?

there was a mod mistake
and i think there is a priest

has anyone claimed prince?

i occupied the sellsword unknown

I do indeed.
But with King unable to do things, Knights would have to protect each other or one will die and BD will lose.
Do what you think is right, but then hint to me <3

A dead person did

prince died
but i do think there is a priest