Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Please read my post

The mole lynch is safer, but it leads to russian roulette with PKR

The ingeel lynch prevents prince revive, but spells our doom if PKR isn’t in him

The ultimate wifom vs the ultimate gamble

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whatever im cool with whatever you want me to do, i trust you

Not lynching Ingeel spells your doom regardless. Priest MUST revive or be gamethrowing, and Butler MUST block Simon of be Gamethrowing

btw, pkr could be in me

Do you think that PKR is in Ingeel

It’s an easy enough question

You should be getting lynched rn

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i think actually that its unlikely hes in me, for a reason i will discuss tonight

So which plan do you prefer

I’m down to go out with a bang, but I’d prefer the russian roulette for the hell of it

He’s Ingeel - even if not, we still play WIFOM with PKR tonight :smiley:


Everybody except me will be immune to PKR

The difference is you will exist, and we need to lynch you tomorrow in that case, and then PKR can choose literally anybody else and be safe

You lynch me - BD or PKR wins
Lynch Ingeel - You or PKR wins

Actually I’m confident that we win either way

It just comes down to russian roulette

mole, you seem to be confused as to the definition of gamethrowing
it is not “intentionally causing/trying to cause your current faction to lose”
it is “intentionally causing/trying to cause yourself to lose”
if they believe they will be converted, then it is in their best interest to not do those things, as if they are converted, then they are more likely to lose because of their previous actions

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Like I said - BD will be gamethrowing to allow the convert and not revive the Prince. They then lynch you or Simon and hope to kill PKR

Basically yes

Hence-why I dislike conversions

Or at least one of many reasons

BUT THEY CAN WIN AS BD! I pointed out how

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Harming your factions chances of winning is Gamethrowing

Honestly I’m tempted to just end it right now