Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win


PKR should kill Orange tonight.

again, just because it is physically possible does not mean the chance is great
show how it is great

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We’re more likely to win by RNG-ing a lynch on 3 people instead of 4

He’s already dead

Just stop lol

I showed how they win easily. If Orange isn’t bluffing, it is possible to win easily

i want to

Nope, he’ll out think the remaining players.

then show it again
not like you have much else to do, as a walking dead man

also, orange, just to make sure im on the same page as you for the plan
what is x in
stage x
where x is a number between 0 and 10


I already gave the plan

no, your day ability you mentioned

we talked a lot about it last night, near the end

Oh I didn’t use that one

I’m just making Ingeel visit me tonight, whether he wants to or not

i am very confused then

Basically BD cannot win

@snapshot112’s only option to win is to not RB anybody


Priest revives Prince
Butler blocks MM
PKR is dead?

BD has 3 stable votes
Unseen have 2 stable votes. BD wins

Priest can’t revive Prince
Butler blocks MM
PKR is dead

BD have 2 votes
Unseen have 2 votes (but can get Priest on trial) - Unseen lynch Priest and convert Butler anyway (or lynch him) - Unseen win

Priest Revives Prince
Butler blocks MM
PKR kills Orange

BD have 3 votes
Unseen have 1 and lynch out unseen and hope they take out PKR with them and win.

Priest can’t revive
Butler blocks MM
PKR kills Orange

BD have 2 votes
Unseen have 1 vote
They lynch out unseen and hope to kill PKR, and win or fail and PKR wins

Priest can’t revive
Butler Blocks MM
PKR kills no one

Unseen can lynch someone, if they lynch PKR they win - otherwise they lose. PKR hides in an unseen and unseen can’t win under any circumstances. - This ending is messy

I like messy endings

And you’re already dead

No I’m not. I haven’t submitted my defence for a trial that hasn’t started