Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Ps, I know Mole was voted.
I’m asking him to chill in the dead chat :3

trust us when we say that they cant
all will be revealed tomorrow morning
i wanted to say it today, but it might let you win, and making us lose is not worth bragging

ps. i really want to hear moles reaction day 6 morning, please transcribe it to me when you get a chance :wink:

I literally am making Ingeel visit me

If snap RBs anybody he only hurts himself

How’s that possible.
You were made king, so you lose your other abilities

You’re now just an Evil King

Moleland was lynched.

They were the Possessor
We found no journal by their bedside

Night gathers and now your watch begins

Night 5 begins

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@snapshot112 roleblock Simon at all costs.
If you don’t, you’re gamethrowing.
Don’t be a gamethrower just so you can win.
You can win anyway, come on.

Hey that’s cheating

If you get one, we get one

@snapshot112 you already know who to trust lol

so we each get one post, eh?
pkr, he cannot win
the strategy that they would have to use is flawed by a piece of information that we have, but can only reveal tomorrow, or else it could possibly make us lose
and pkr, he can, he just used his day ability before he was elected king
so ingeel is visiting orange
that means he can res
Snap! dont roleblock if you want to live/win!

(Uhm, WTF happened to the night?)


(No mods to lock thread? Or Eevee and BS just don’t care, no clue.)

*whispers * (oh my god, im seeing dead people)

BTW @eevee orange can’t use an an ability during king elections. @snapshot112 and @Ingeel you can win as bd so try too

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Roses are red
Violets are blue
Bs is stupid.
For starting a day

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I should modkill
Like the half of you.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Stop twilight posting
Can’t find the rhyme

##Night 5 begins


I said the wrong words
That still doesn’t suffice
Now enter your chambers
Now day has gone nigh

No one died last night

Day 6 Begins

Day will end in 96 hours

@snapshot112 @Ingeel neither of you were converted, right?
Don’t give up.
You can win this.
Ingeel, you need to be more damn active and finally revive though.
You’re single handedly screwing over BD

snap was converted

So Snap gamethrow?
Nice one.
GG guys.

and what i said was correct, they could never win as town
it was impossible for ingeel to revive last night from the previous dawn, when he was converted as well