Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

1 in 4.
What ya gonna do?

I don’t know if you can call it gamethrowing when your faction has already lost tough.
I’m literally the only one left. And even if I ended up in a 1 vs 1 situation I would still lose. It doesn’t really matter what I do for my faction: We have lost.

only thing I can do to get a chance at winning is to be converted. And I can by defenition not hurt a factions chances of winning if that faction has already lost. I can impossibly gamethrow

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SNAP. You can still win as BD. If you don’t RB Simon tonight you are 100% gamethrowing

You could have won you whore snap

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#One more post from dead and I am literaly ending the game


That’s what they want.
Stop making mistakes like this dude! >_>

It’s gamethrowing to not perform an action that would ensure your survival as a Blue Dragon. If you’d like, I can summon one of the Developers in here, because we’ve had this discussion many times in the past, on the forums too. I’ve been against actions like this for far too long and I’ll be damned if I see it brought into Forum of Lies. I get it, BD have maybe 1 or 2 people left, but allowing yourself to be converted is going against your Win conditions, which is hurting BD chances at winning.

You obviously haven’t played Throne of Lies, the game, or you would understand this.


you cant lower your chances if they are already 0

how can he win as bd?

RB you, I kill your Assassin.
You have to work out who I’m in.
If you guess wrongly, you’re screwed and I win.
If you guess correctly, Unseen probably will win.
However, with my killing abilities, Butler stands a chance

Can vouch for this


I also vouch for everything Plex has said.
It’s like as if a Fool consciously votes up final scum and votes guilty, going against their win con.
Don’t do it.
It is gamethrowing and against the rules

So then.
No offence Plex.
But it’s time to get down to business with the (at least partially) alive people.
Who’s being lynched here?
1/4 chance. Let’s see what you have

@Simon surely as the Mastermind you know what to do?
You’ve been ahead of the game all this time.

hold on, working on an event tree

Go for it.
Just remember, I literally just changed person.
So it’s 1/4 no matter what you do

question: Does the possessor win with the person he possesses?

You mean Revenant?

But, think of it like this.
You still can win.
It’ll be difficult.
But I promise you this.
It is possible

1 v 1 with you I lose right?