Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

or me
hes in one of us 3 for sure
he cant be in orange, because he attacked orange
orange, you remember when pkr was bluffing?

i would like to ask a mod
if he wanted to, could pkr attack his host?

There’s nothing which states that I can’t.
So… Yeah, I can.

is aggressively bluffing like that something you would/usually do?
what about doing it to throw someone off?

I can second(or I guess third) what Plex is saying as one of the heads, if there is a chance of the BD winning, however unbelievably minuscule it may be, then letting yourself be converted is gamethrowing, it just is, end of discussion, that’s how this works


Oh, me?
I’m sometimes called Komaeda because of my luckiness and Celeste because of my bluffs.
It’s up to you to find out the truth.
Hit me.

i think that you yourself takes more importance than your faction, when it comes to winning, but whatever
i have a question. what if snap had reason to believe both assassin and mm were targeting him.
no matter who snap roleblocks, bd will lose, so in this case, is letting yourself get converted considered gamethrowing?

Plex, Alfa, Myself and Jammy have all stated it would be gamethrowing.
So why’re you still trying?

even if to block mm meant dying to assassin?

both leave your faction losing.
so according to your arguments, no matter what he does he would be gamethrowing

and even so
if he isnt converted tonight, we’re hanging him tomorrow, because no matter what he and pkr do, unseen will have the majority

But you literally cannot do that.
Or else you’ll lose.
If there’s only 2 people alive and I’m in 1 of you, I win.

depends on the 2 people, and who your in

Actually it really doesn’t.
If you’re alive with assassin, I go inside you. You’re immune to death at night.
If you’re alive with King. I go inside King. Cannot vote my host up anymore.
If King’s alive with assassin, I can time it carefully.
If Butler’s alive, pretty much avoid being in them from now on

and that doesnt mean we cant (ie it is not physically impossible to do that)
that just means we shouldnt

and we can time it careful-er

we totally can have reasoning for hanging snap
that you’re in snap!
it would make sense, since most people would say hanging snap is a death sentence,

You can’t convert a dead person so the Unseen wouldn’t do that would they

im saying we could, and since they’re butler they can rb one of us, so they’re either going to die or be converted.
so im asking, in this case, which, if either, person snap should roleblock in order to not gamethrow

and they’re the last bd, so its not wasting a kill/convert