Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

I literally cannot be lying unless I somehow knew that the results for being attacked in jail would be changed, which is impossible unless I took the world’s riskiest gsmbit after visiting PKR, seeing the detailed “guard” message, and jumping to several distant conclusions really fast (I was posting here before the day began, so you were all seeing my thoughts in real-time). Which is in and of itself impossible - I was jailed.

That being said, we would’ve seen something that easy lol.

I’ll deal with being RB’d by Pete to prove I’m not Mastermind, but at this point I don’t think asking for a protective as well is out of the question - I’m confirmed to be BD or Mastermind, and I’ll be proven to not be Mastermind whenever the third Unseen makes his move. I’d rate my role’s importance a 6/10, so with no higher-priority protective targets I’d appreciate one on me. Thanks.

/vote Polik

Don’t throw shade on Mole right after he pushes you lol

We all remember how that ended when I was King :wink:

Timezone, people.

I claim King

I know.

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Orange and Moleland are always sniffing each others bottoms and I don’t like it.


sits back and simply listens

Orange points at several people in a row.

Don’t like it.

/Vote Orange

I meant I want you to claim Good King

King itself simply won’t do

I’m a good king. Now pet me and feed me.

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Tbf that’s his typical method - the shotgun approach.

Afraid to claim neutral King? :roll_eyes:

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How is this my “usual method” if I’m also “acting differently”

Pick one

I change my mind. I claim neutral king.

/vote Damafaud

ez pz lemon squeezy

but we got leads, Orange.

If we’ve already decided to drop Unknown for the day, hop on the wagon kids

What leads

We’ve all but decided to drop Unknown

A mistake, but whatever

This is what I meant by pointing at too many different people. My vote stays on you.

Frost, Sketch, Unknown, Plex, me.

That’s a lot of peeps for one day.

Alright, here’s the deal. I’m going to bed, but before I do I’ll throw this out here. Feel free to revise it, as long as you all agree on the changes.

#Night Plan v1:
My personal lynch pool: Unknown, Damafaud, maybe Sketch

Sheriff (@Unknown???) uses Posse Comitatus on ThePlex

@PandaPete RB’s me, proving me non-Mastermind (and therefore proving me as BD)

Knight/Physician on me tonight, until Plex knows who Prince and Sheriff are

@ThePlex can bird whoever he wants and watch whoever, although I recommend watching Unknown, just in case he’s somehow miraculously BD and gets killed. Take your pick, however.

Prince should jail Moleland or Sketch and get a claim

Sheriff should check Frostwolf

If you have any objections, please do suggest additions or changes

I never voted Frost, I trust him, and Plex was an obvious target after that bullcrap day 1

You’re literally claiming non-Town

Unknown isn’t Town

And Sketch is incredibly evasive at best

So yes, I stand behind my pushes