Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Why would you need to read yourself?

/vote Sketch


Personally in fol everyone is scum

Because somebody needs to lighten the mood around here.

/FoS Plex x2

You forgot Plex claims observer (or fake claim in that case, no way GM would forgot the detail of Early Bird for PKR not able to leave the room) and PurpleyPete confirms his occupy and Ingeel is either occupied by unknown roleblocker or Mad King’s responsible.

Who are you going to send early bird this time, Plex?

I’m fairly certain this is a fake claim after reading his posts.

Observer claims are scummy enough. 2nd observer claim? Possible. Yet he missed the detail of early bird.

Like I said before, if we’re hanging anyone today it should be Plex.

I actually asked Eevee because he DID miss the detail, and when I asked him too, he included the part about PKR not leaving his room to avoid confusion in the future.

I’ll tell you who I Flip the Bird to tomorrow morning.

Cute, I like how you said this the moment I vote you.

Now I’m convinced you’re a scumbag.


Sketch - claims visiting PKR and prevented - ??? (not prince not nobles not alchemist not sheriff not mercenary not assassin not possessor)

Prince | Sheriff | Mastermind/Cult | Assassin/Acolyte | Noble | Noble | Alchemist | Mercenary | Possessor/???

So this is work for one specific person which is named Sketch so to clarify, he admit the mercenary have prevented him to visit.

So if Damafaud is not the Mad King, then ding ding ding! We found our mastermind.

Well, the mere action of your vote gave me some info all on its own. Votes matter.


/vote Sketch

Actually, let the prince execute the mastermind.

By my vote on you, suddenly you know everything!

Holy shit… quick, someone vote me so I can gain additional knowledge.

Nah, Sketch, you’re scum and you know it.


FoS Sketch

Prince, whoever you are, make sure Sketch will be executed tonight. That way the assassin can’t turn into new mastermind until tomorrow.

Just Nolynch.
I lose nothing from this lynch.
So, why kill someone who could potentially be good?

All you know is that I’m a visiting role and you think I’m Mastermind?

You realize there are a lot of visiting roles in the game, yeah? And there are a couple lurkers in this game, yeah?

Prince executing me will be hilariously unfortunate.

Actually, Prince, jail me tonight, I like that idea. I can claim to you and get immunity. I have info I can’t share publicly at the moment.

If the converted person acts up tomorrow, you KNOW I’m not MM.

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You were denied a visit to PKR because of Merc, the only thing you could possibly be that has info during the day is Maid. Which, you falsely claimed before and you were Mastermind.

Plex. I even said before I’d personally vote Sketch for being scum in all their games so far if possible.
But, Sketch really isn’t scum now, I’m sure of it.

It doesn’t matter how the MM dies, by the by. The assassin still turns into MM as long as it’s before Night 3.

If you’re really that suspicious of me, I’m fine with being jailed tonight. IDC. Because if I’m MM, there sure as hell aren’t any converted members out there, and then there wouldn’t be any tomorrow if I’m with the Prince tonight.
