Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Are you actually nit picking

Oh sick Ingeel is catching up

Love the fact that we seem to have similar opinions so far

Let’s see where this goes

Sheds tear

What have I done to deserve this?

Now we need @Mantichora

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Can i get mechanics behind this i understand 0 of that mastermind fuckery

Also seems like an :ok_hand: post

No let me have my title of best player for a little longer


Wake me up, wake me up inside, I can’t wake up,
Wake me up inside, save me,
Call my name and save me from the dark, wake me up
Bid my blood to run, I can’t wake up
Before I come undone, save me
Save me from the nothing I’ve become

Sketch and Ingeel both doubting my Observer claim yet they are yet to claim anything :wink:

No lynch is worse than mis lynch

Claiming D2 is bad you fuck

It puts us at a disadvantage

Also no SHADE

Erm, I forget. Are nobles still night immune these days? I know the suicide pactness of then is removed,but…

Shut up

“Claiming D2 is bad you fuck

Maybe if Moleland and Orange hadn’t started a wagon of votes on me, I wouldn’t have needed to. The only reason I outted Pete was because they were throwing doubt on his Butler claim which I thoroughly trust.

Then don’t claim anf instead point out tje flaws in their case ^-^


Lol, I voted you to see your reaction to a single vote. One voted never lynched anyone day 2

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Doesn’t matter either way.

Excuse me?

If I had refused to claim anything, the votes would have piled and I would have looked even more sus if I had claimed when on trial.

That’s how Orange plays.

I mean, you and Sketch have already made doubts about my claim, I’d like to know why too. What’s so bad about my Observer claim? And don’t say “It’s scummy as fuck” I want reasons.

First sketch post I’ve disliked