Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Orange how come ur a Forum Veteran instead of a community guide?

sos PKR rip they got rid of community guides

rip indeed

Likely they will raise the requirements for the mini-mod status because there are so many

(I blame @NozBugz :stuck_out_tongue: )


“Too scummy to be scummy”

I agree (at least somewhat) and currently have a townread on Plex

Yeah i do agree he’s town just saying that logic is bad

Okay cool

In case I can’t get back on before EoD:

@PandaPete I salute you, sir.

And I pray that Damafaud is a neutral King that won’t kill you.

ingreet how is that logic bad in anyway. If you fake an Observer claim you don’t claim to have birded the same person you watched cuz that is clearly a dumb as fuck move and will draw attention to your claim.

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It prevents you from having to guess about somebody else or pretend to use it on a scumbuddy

I’ll give you your own seperate trial before night starts.
Why should I not suicide into you.
And what info do you have to give.
As of right now this is your last day alive.
Give everyone all you have.

He was specifically told someone guarded the door and stopped him

Saying something is so scummy it’s not scummy is breaking the fundamental mafia principles

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This only works if the player in question is almost always scummy regardless of faction.

I’m not saying he is so scummy I am saying there is no reason for him to have said that if he were scum. However orange did mention that he may have done that to avoid guessing or using a scumbuddy which does make a lot of sense, do I retract my comment of him probs being BD based on that.

Your argument still makes 0 sense tho Ingersoll


If you admit to being Scum, we may give you a Cookie. MAY. But if you don’t admit to being Scum, we’ll take away the Cookie jar from Death chat which means NozBugz will be super pissed at you. PKR automatically doesn’t get any unless he tells us who he’s picked as Host.

Why would he tell us he is scum?
The whole purpose of this is for him to avoid being lynched, not jump off himself!

To get a Cookie before he dies?

And what use is a virtual, nonexistent cookie?
Does it do something for his computer?

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God. Polik doesn’t like Cookies.