Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

We’re nobles.
Already confirmed day 1 Bois.
Every protective on us and observer on me

I have an idea…send message to me.

Will do tonight.
But need all protection I can get, literally

Well, this thread happened


Oh jesus PKR, I literally have no idea what you’re doing :rofl: Unless you’re trying to get converted? Or you’re Fool? Or… oh. Okay. I see where you’re going with this now.

Look. MM is less likely to waste conversion of Nobles. But is more likely to get assassin to kill us.
If we are observed and healed, we get a free observation. Bringing a victory a lot closer

Ugh, I honestly didn’t mean to reveal our class. Sorry. But if this works out, bombs away I s’pose.

It’s fine dude.
Now that we’re already confirmed, we can sail to a BD victory.
Shall we lead this group to victory?
Troops! Onward march!
Imprison 7, 8, 14, 15 or 16 and execute!

Are we forgetting nobles are night immune?

I approve of this as it doesn’t include me



Sounds like a decent night pl -


No they aren’t!!!
Why’re you trying to get us killed already?!


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You’re welcome.
I thought of said plan <3
I’m glad you like it

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How useful as usual. Smh

Nice try though, you have ended the noble incest.

We’re nobles.
So it cannot be ended.
Just make sure we’re protected and observer is on us.
That way, at least 2 confirmed BD stay alive

0.8.29 Patch Notes

The King will no be able to be accused of treason until day 4.

Oh my god, yes!
