Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Day timer:

Also, added to op.

@Frostwolf - Don’t edit posts after someone already referenced them. That’s first and last warning.

Pkr I know you love Simon but death awaits him

I have bad habit to believe I was making new posts but I am editing.

As much the king can kill Unseen for one time, it’s too risky.

I get another full day with him :heart_eyes:
As you fools lynched the fool.
I warned you, I told you he was innocent of being scum.
But noooo, don’t listen to the Neutral aka person who can help or hinder however they choose

Plex’s responsible for this nonsense, it was suppose to be Simon’s lynch.

“Buut nuuuu, Skethcz is masermind!”

I said 100 times lynch Simon and Prince execute sketch.
I 100% blame plex for this

This is all BDs fault.
You guys could’ve just listened to me.
You thought you were right.
Well, best of luck now…

The majority of people voted guilty.
This means it’s BD’s fault

You wanted sketch and Simon alive.
So no I won’t listen to u
And plex has a lot to make up for now.

That’s why you can’t lynch right now, as you wouldn’t listen to me before.
But go ahead and be wrong again.

2 more nights evil can kill now so have fun and I will see you in the graveyard.

Maybe next time BD, remember this.
A Neutral has no reason to directly harm you and nobody else.
What they say can very easily be genuine opinion.
Do not distrust them immediately.
It can be the downfall for BD in full.

I admit I screwed up by listening to plex I’ve learnt my lesson now.
I will stick to what I believe and screw the gravy train
And night plans are useless as no one ever follows them.

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I disagree, when this penalty comes off - someone will be very dead.

And if Unseen has converted, they won’t gain another member.

Anyway PurpleyPete, if you’re saying ThePlex wasn’t attacked by Prince then who is?

Anyway I figured Ingeel is the Mastermind, period.

Frostwolf, didn’t you say you would be responsible for sketch’s lynch?

Morning has broken and last words were spoken,
For people who lay lifeless never again to awaken.
Monopoly of lives, people dropping like flies,
In a stronghold held strong yet their psycho king has died

And treated all of these days, like queuing for a taste
Of a guillotine awaiting to fall and then… it’s strange
That no civilians in comfort, have spoken about the butchers,
Like they’re spectating this game on another side of a rupture.

But once the visitors inquire, pushing a situation that’s dire,
They remember the last lynch, feeling guilt and get mired.
And with the visitors transfixed, from the secret evil’s tricks,
They find the morning is broken so the evening must be fixed .

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