Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

so does Mole what does he claim?

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Also I belive Fade is prolly sheriff he never reads anything

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Just got out of Yosemite National Park (happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans btw)

Catching up now, if you have any burning questions ask now :slight_smile:


Two things before I get to the fact that our Prince died:

1 - damn it Polik if you were Prince why did you not jail me again last night
2 - @Damafaud why Eragon and Angela ew

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Unless you all magically missed Polik’s will, I told him night one that Sketch was a Killer-type class. This was a lie.

When the Prince jailed me, they seemed incredibly passive-aggressive, using a ton of “blahs”, saying “you know the drill”, and sarcastically telling me they wouldn’t execute me for not responding. I knew I needed to make a good claim or I’d be executed. So, even though I was being RB’d for the night, I decided to say I’d used my day ability

Since Sketch was one of the two people who got incredibly mad at the Prince last game for executing Pete as Knight, and the other, Plex, had already claimed, I figured he had to be the Prince and figured I’d say Sketch was a Killer-type so he, being the Prince, a Killer-type, wouldn’t kill me straight off. I gave him a code-word (which he never used) and then hoped I was right.

As yesterday drew out and it became apparent that Sketch was not BD, I tried to get the Prince to re-jail me so I could clear this up in case he died. Sadly, he did not jail me last night.

I used my day ability for real yesterday on Moleland, who is compatible with Unknown. This means that there is only one role he could possibly be, but I won’t claim for him. All @PolikShadowbliss needs to know is that I did with Mole what I said I’d do with Sketch, and he checks out.

@PokemonKidRyan can check with @PolikShadowbliss the factualness of all of this. If he wants me to ever trust what he says, he can start by being truthful here.


Time to catch up on the thread, ask any questions you may have.

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Five kills? Dayum

1: Dama
2: Assassin
3: Pete
4: PKR
5: ???

Obviously the Mercenary killed somebody, and that solves that mystery.

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Actually, one of these people was likely attacked twice if anybody was RB’d

Night 1 kills:
1 - Dama
2 - Assassin
3 - can’t be Merc, can’t be PKR, can’t be Pete, must be Alchemist or Possessor?

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Didn’t you say you’d take responsibility for the lynch? It’s okay to be wrong (I didn’t notice he was Fool either), but shoving responsibility onto Plex seems like a bit much tbh

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Can confirm

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There’s a Mercenary and an Alchemist/Possessor

What are you on

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Hey, you can do math

I was about to say that’s an extremely scummy level of ignorance there

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Wow a lot happened there at the end

At this point, I can confirm that Mole is a Killer-type and that he is compatible with Unknown

I don’t believe that they’re both Unseen, but I can check tonight

Also @Frostwolf103 you’re not allowed to reach the same conclusion I did (Unknown is Mercenary) using the same info (he visited PKR) and then call me scum just because I did it first :blush:

So, at this point I feel like I’m getting a good feel for the game as it stands.

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Quick note - Unknown can’t be Merc unless Mole is NK

So I find that scenario incredibly unlikely

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Dang it Plex stop it with the likes lol

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If we assume, however, that this is the usual 1 NK 2 Neutral non-NKs, then Mole and Unknown are both decidedly not Neutral.

This means that our scum are Sellsword, Mastermind, and Assassin - converting the Mercenary instead of a BD role actually helped us a lot lol.

Of this, unless Mole and Unknown are both Unseen, the only people still unaccounted for are:

I believe that Frost is town, and either Ingeel or Hippo is Noble, so that leaves the remaining three, no?

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Nah orange is most scummy person now

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i think scum won this tbh i have no idea who it is.

Are you a Noble? Because if so we’ve basically gamesolved

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depends who’s askin’