Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

or, i guess it should be in eft, when
Feels like

Noone ever reads my words, right?


“enough people” is essentially “when I feel like it”

Let me reword this:

It won’t last longer then 24 hours. It might last shorter if people will seem ready for it.

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But I want to see Plex’s corpse nooooooooowwwwwwwwww :persevere:

Well, me being dead N1 might actually make the game fair for everyone else :smirk:

Can we get a Physician on the Physician, please?

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Plex had better not die night one.
I mean it’d not be great.
I did say we are Nobles
Also, they’d better be healed, like myself and observer had better be on me.

Don’t worry everyone, you’re all safe tonight. I’m the one dying tonight because of FoL 6 :innocent:

Orange is 100% killing me.

Forgot how scary this game is without night immunity.

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If I do, it’s only because you’re a cold, heartless bastard :slight_smile:

That being said, I appreciated the attempt. :stuck_out_tongue:

(no not an insult, a poke at his “accidential townslip” [which was actually borderline against the rules but smart nonetheless])

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I have to say. I really love the flavor.

Very well done.

/confirm Forgot to do dis’

Whoever kill me will get a photo of Greta in lingerie.

No clue who that is, and I don’t personally desire to lay eyes on such a photograph, but I’m cool with you forcing this onto whoever does kill you :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t forget my plan right? Send Public Announcement to me since I am hardclaiming important BD role.

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Flickering in the wind from the draughty brick walls,
Blinding the bleak calls from the wolves beyond nowhere
Was a crimson candle, how it wears it’s red ball dress
With embers flying then resting, catching darkness like snares.

But how one blow can leave the the room in darkness
Easing shadows to weave past us like a hungry hound,
Restless for blood, bounding past everyone one unnoticed.
At least that’s what they expected. The new moon frowned

Upon the ones who slept and the ones who paced past
Their beds, scared the shadows fester the halls. Out
Of all their worries of louts and mystic fiends
The candle kept them lenient, but the candle’s dead now, so it seems

##Night 1 begins!

It will last 48 hours.
Timer is added to OP
Send all your night actions in role chats

If by any chance I will get all night actions in, I will end night earlier.

Bounty was replaced by PurpleyPete

[Deep voice on]


Introducing the new invention in field of hosting - BS version 4125.

This co-host is all you ever needed for hosting!

He can write flavor, do voicecounts, prepare and fill spreadsheets. He will even cook you a diner when you read the thread (Well, that function wasn’t tested yet).

If you need any help from him, call 123-456-789 and he will help you host your games!

Meanwhile, I’m inviting you for one more presentation of his abilities:

[Deep voice off]