Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

That reminds me, when it’s time to reveal your actions Moleland?

They are in my journal

I still think orange killed plex.
As he is afraid of his skillz
Plex is unuaslly good a lieing so I believe he was a threat to orange.

Mole could be sellsword
As orange would always want mole on his side.
Unfortunately orange plays the same plays every game.

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@PandaPete no that wouldn’t make sense, Damafaud’s journal says otherwise.

The Sellsword didn’t prevent Plex for King’s guard to protect him, three out of five kills were made and Sellsword has second ability allow to attack one time against one of the voters that voted against Unseen. The Sellsword can only choose one night action at a time.

Dama knows if he revealed who he have attacked N2, then it will be bad.

Plex could have also used Follow instead, if Prince is resurrected and have info that PKR is withholding from Plex, this would have been known tomorrow.

Orange have journal somewhere…

How the fuck we know it’s a sellsword not a merc that attacked you?

wow Hippolytus.

A normal Mercenary can only kill person when his contract is lynched, PKR is his contract.


If you voted the person who PKR is in the merc can attack you

Eevee said so

PKR can’t be voted.

I voted Simon, Plex voted Unknown.

Stop being so dense.

Sounds like a converted BD trying to prove themselves by saying it was the merc who was converted to me.

I got attacked during night two, if Moleland comes with his Knight claim and say he attacked me, boy he do this wrong.

Orange in other hand can’t just say to Prince and give false information to Prince’s journal, Sketch is a fool and lied about it.

Unseen would never compromise their own members and attacking unclaimed people is even worse as this without knowing what will happen.

So let’s say this in alternative scenario: The Unseen likely know I claimed Squire so they wouldn’t test and waste kill on me unless they forgot, so in that sense Plex voted at one occasion towards Unknown.

…wait what did you say, Sounds like a converted BD trying to prove themselves by saying it was the merc who was converted to me…?

Anyway, yes. But PKR can’t get voted - so nice try buddy.

So, unfortunately. You can’t be Mercenary since we have to deal with two sheriff claims who is bound to be real mercenary.

You’re trying to get hanged as well do you? So stop acting like you’re hella confused - because it’s what they say:

Clueless people are dangerous.

They said his host can tho didn’t they?

You can stop testing me by the way, it didn’t work.