Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Since Plex has voted Unknown (so did I as well, I guess?)

Butler Kill+Polik death+Plex deatg

So where does Jammy’s attack fit ib?

Either by Unseen or Revenant, it’s not clear.

You know what would be funny if they kill me.
And find out I’m not the butler.
And i’m playing mind games and covering the real butler.


How did we go Hipp!SS to Unknown!SS?

It’s probably later but eh fuck it

How do we know one of them wasn’t revenant?

What are those names

Votes from yesterday

How so?

Like i.said i don’t knoe many roles and I’m trying to remember them

Okay, I will try last time to explain how it works, cause I have to make sure everyone understands the rules.

Revenant has to chose one person he binds to every day. He binds himself for that night and next day.
Mercenary on revenant works like he was contracted to a person to wich revenants binds. So if there was such a situation, merc would be able to kill person who voted on a revenant’s host.

Any questions?

I’m scummy because i have 0 idea of the role stuff happening

Scum tbh

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Eevee says it’s not how this works


I want to say Simon feels like lost town here, but their disappearance is blegh

Plus, I don’t see why scum!Simon defends Sketch. Unless they believed they were PKR’s host, in which case they wouldn’t vote Guilty.

Anyone else have opinions on this?

Simon was legit the only one of us to defend the fool :joy::joy:.

And has the balls to claim Squire.

I belive him over you tbh

Mole I am confident is scum I can’t tell everyone else tho

At least I can agree with Hippolytus for once, if I happen to be haunted twice - then that means Unknown is Sellsword because I was attacked by Revenant once.

And why would you believe Simon who hasn’t done squat to prove his role? I got attacked because I am immune.