Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Orange------- moon spirit
moleland -----knight
frost------------converted knight(sheriff)
ingeel -------- priest
Simon ------- mastermind

ingeel -------- priest revives polik
fadeblack-----sheriff protects frost
moleland -----knight attack orange
frost------------converted knight kills orange
pete------------butler gets simon drunk

No no and no.

You’re going to convert someone.

What the hell are you talking about and why would I do that

PKR is probably going to kill pete anyways

This CANNOT be correct ffs


Seriously tho rip Pete

are you salty?

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I yoloed him for making me his bitch last game night one, lel


Only that nobody seems to be able to listen to my words

Okay there mystery solved lol

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pkr is either helping us or hurting us
i told him a plan
if he and you go throough with this we can win

Wouldn’t he just control frost into killing him anyway?

What the fuck, Moleland. -_-

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:grin: he was scum tho


Why, but like - why not spoken sooner?

either way we will get prince back tomorrow hopefully

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Because it didn’t matter, and I was trying to see orange flail around.

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either way the nightplan kills orange as he cant occupy both knights

orange can either block me or ingeel
or kill one of use

the question is if he blocks me which i expect he will do
who will simon try to convert