Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

wont be able to talk for a while
orange, @ me if you need me to do something

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will do

I think I’ll get back to cleaning my room as well

This school year left it looking like a tornado blew through

how much time is there left for a king election?

22 hours 30 minutes left of election timer

He’ll be here, trust me.

I’m going to bed

2:55 AM


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I will laugh if he isn’t

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#Night Plan for Victory
@Ingeel elects me and uses his day ability on snapshot112 so he becomes night immune tonight
@Simon converts snapshot112
@snapshot112 doesn’t do anything tonight and just gets converted
@Moleland chills out
@PokemonKidRyan also chills out
Everybody will be immune tonight lol

You sure?


Guard myself
Soulbound Butler

If PKR doesn’t die, you are dead. For Sure

And yet I still win

What if Priest doesn’t Soulbound Butler or can’t?

Also, Your guards won’t save you from PKR, since he’s attacked you once

no idea what’s happening

/elect orange

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It’s good to be King.

/Vote Ingeel

Now we can all vote Mole up, yes?


I already did, so we only need two of you to play along, and snapshot is asleep, so…

@eevee i kingu btw