Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

i believe that they wont rb/res, and that they wont gamethrow
so im good

It is gamethrowing for them not to try to win - since they can

Yeah sure yolo whatever

@PokemonKidRyan we’re all night immune tonight. Attacking anybody decreases your chances of winning from around 50% to around 33%. So don’t, and we’ll russian roulette you tomorrow. Enjoy being RNG’d a host. :wink:

He is in Ingeel, stopping being dumb

only if they have a realistic chance
which i dont believe they do
do you orange, ingeel, and snapshot?

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@snapshot112 if you trusted me enough to vote me king, trust me enough to not RB anybody. I made sure you are night immune tonight, so you won’t die. Just hang in there and we’ll bring you to our side.

/vote Mole

we cant know that for sure
in fact, for all we know, he could be in you!

I’ve shown they have

If PKR dies with me, they can block you and win 3 vs 2

Or even lynch PKR with one of you

/vote guilty

On? No ones on trial

@Ingeel @Simon guilty this plz

Three votes on you

how is the chance realistic, and not miniscule?

That’s majority

/vote mole if i havent before

I’m not on trial

orange, did you use the finger?

Saving it

Because it gives them a great chance to win