Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win


I reserve the right to use my Reroll if I land Physician in FoL AGAIN.

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O, yeah, shit, I acidently put the mad king there, brb

The butler can kill the Mad, Psychopathic, Evil, and Devout Kings


But make it start no earlier than Tuesday please


Honestly all these new king ideas are awful. Bolsof said a while back they might be addressing Kings, we should just keep the normal 3 Kings and then change it in line with normal ToL.

These new ideas practically break the game. I’d honestly rather have no King then like 7 different possibilities for King all with different abilities.

IMO people should be able to add their own kings and shit if they wanna do a SFoL game, but in normal FoL it should all be canonized with more or less the same rules game to game. The current king situation is far from ideal but every single suggestion I’ve read about them so far has been awful.



We should make an all king game.

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Pls no guardian

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:thinking:… ehhh, i’ll at least finish the famine SFOL before signing up to one of these, so i’ll have at least some experience…

Since i died in Famine immediately i doubt this will be any different but


/Join as Backup


Gane will start on 27th if we get enough people.

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Good day pick :smiley:

I’m looking at people’s needs and comments you know? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Come on people, join up!

I’m looking forward to watching this game play out as a spectator. Hopefully it will give me way less cardiac arrests.


Foul play for everyone!

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2 more signups and I can send out rolecards!

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