Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Frost, I think I see your point

But I’m honestly null reading Unknown right now

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the Mercenary and simply lied about his visit being blocked when he saw that PKR was actually Revenant

I’d support his lynch in that case - Merc on PKR is bad, Sellsword is worse


Merc on PKR means nothing though.

He can’t rebound and he can’t guard him.

And it’s unlikely that PKR even knew he had a merc in the first place.

But he can stop his host being night killed

How do we find the host?

  1. You can’t
  2. unless the Mercenary guards the Host which is very, very unlikely
    3.I am not the Mercenary.

/vote Unknown

Claim then

This would make for a VERY interesting game.

Eevee said Alfa said that was how it worked

So why would you not do it

I can only imagine the poor Merc

“Aw sick, I can guard PKR and prove myself as having a BD target in one go. All I need to do now is claim and freelo!”

-PKR was Spiritualist-

“aw shit”

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Come on.
Let’s just not kill anyone and make it more chance that I survive.
That sounds good, right?

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Would it be crazy to ask the Prince to reveal in order to get the Merc contract?

We could have Physician/Knight on Merc, then when Merc is out of guards we just have protectives move over to Prince.

Everyone, vote Nolynch!
You don’t want to mislynch and there’s no info!

Eh, nevermind. My plan won’t work when anyone can claim Merc just to get the Prince to reveal…

Prince is not going to reveal themselves just saying
I only revealed in bread game because we had to.

Don’t make me fetch my Catholic cross.

Merc is still contracted to pkr

eh, i for one enjoy catching up and reading all this. It’s like i just joined very close-knit group of friends, and as such no none of the in jokes (like plex always getting converted n1/n2), but instead of having to figure them out as i go along, i can see them in action and figure them out on my own time.
it’s actually quite hilarious


How do you know this?

PKR shouldn’t be able to speak…

PKR has an ability that allows him to speak to the dead and the living, unfortunately. The only way to make them unable to speak is to kill their host.