Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

I could suicide into king if it helps clear stuff up I’ll probably die soon anyway as I was outed by plex.
Ty by the way :angry:

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Ah so you’re admit roleblocking?

Then my vote towards Damafaud stays.

Admit it plex shouted it out as he got pissed off.
So it’s a matter of time till I die either way now.

Attacked in jail results were there all the time. Alfa confirmed ._.

That was NOT changed.

Game is different then, rip

Lynching the ‘neutral’ king claim this time will answer these questions:

Cult game? PurpleyPete is confirmed Possessor and Unknown’s claim is false as well the king flips Cult King.

Unseen game? We got the NKing and PurpleyPete really is the Butler/Fool.

Or… we give it one more night. We’ll have even more answers tomorrow than just lynching a King.

I’ll watch Unknown
Unknown recruits me
Pete blocks Frost
King sends a guard to Unknown

Anything else?

Rule for Night plans - Anyone disobeying these plans is deemed scum

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I have no problem with this, just keep in mind that I will not hesitate to shout out PurpleyPete is Possessor if two more (attempted) kills pops up.

My honest opinion?

If there is a Possessor, then potentially someone evil was Possessed/Occupied and didn’t say anything to put sus on Pete. So we’ll have to wait and see who else is Occupied tomorrow. (Unless Possessor is using the person to attack themselves)

That’s how it’s looking to me, I actually trust Pete.

So Frost, you’re happy to be Occupied tonight? Or would you say you’re more important to us with activity at Night?

Yeah if King is evil he might not send a guard.

Well, if I don’t see Dama visiting you tonight or if he does and you’re dead, then yeh, we’ll execute him. But until then, give him a chance to properly convince us he’s actually Neutral

And what if you die?

Wish I was Prince so I could execute your arse.

/No lynch

I want to get frost drunk.
Maybe it will knock some sense into his arse.
Or he just doesn’t want me to poison king.
Maybe I should kill dama he is quiet again.

Then I should show as Knight and you’ll be confirmed Sheriff

Priority dictates that Investigation goes before anything which by that logic, Sheriff recruitment should be the same…

Investigate -> Kill -> Conversion

With Conversion in mind, Pete is a likely target to have converted tonight, since Servant is easy to play Butler with, if they haven’t already converted.

If there’s a Psychic, please link minds with me tonight too.
If there’s a Princess, you can check Pete to remove any doubt.
Squire, sit tight, if I die tonight, take Observer or Knight the next.
Priest, sit tight in-case Unknown or Prince dies.
Maid, if you’re alive, check me with Orange.
Prince, jail Orange or Moleland.
Nobles, send a letter to me and/or Unknown.
Knights, be on Unknown.
King, guard Unknown
Unseen/Cult, take the night off :wink:
PKR, please kindly don’t kill anyone :wink:
Merc, tell us who you are

Anyone I missed?

I wouldn’t ever be recruited.
Plus princess results come before converion.
Conversation is always the last activity to take place at night.

As in remove doubt of being Possessor…


Princess can still do that

I rbled you
Jesus christ

Princess can still remove doubt.

If you’re BD, you’re not Possessor.

Pete, I trust you, it’s everyone else that needs convincing