Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

My soul bound person? Haven’t binded myself yet. I’ll only bind myself to most likely to be protected people

Except you changed your claim to NKing, then back

Which was a weird move

Who you gonna kill though?

You do realise I don’t like you telling me to claim and I did that on purpose to confuse you rght

Whoever I want to

So you’re admitting to trying to confuse us?

gg no re totes votes plox

Figured as much :wink:

Honestly that’s one of the main reasons I’m okay with being jailed

note to self, remove the part which means the revenant can talk to the alive people

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That’s what makes it fun though


Wow. That’s harsh Jammy.
Don’t you like me? :frowning:


I would hate the part if NozBugz actually help The Revenant in bad way.

I have also deduced five people can be potential Mercenary.

Hmmmm. Shall we make Noz king?

Us? Only you

Oh wait, that was other games in the past

yeah but I need to get it down to 2 passives and it doesn’t really help nor harm the revenant

revenant = reverend according to autocorrect

luckily I caught it in the act

haha fuck you autocorrect


So we all agree that Damafaud is possibly the Psychopathic King that went either to Orangeandblack5 or NozBugz? PurpleyPete has made this easier to confirm that DamaFaud is not Mad King nor there’s second NK.

Wait… Isn’t there a king who’s a merc?

Combine 2 into 1.
No need to get rid of the abilities.
They’re what makes revenant so intriguing

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However that doesn’t help eliminate PKR here, since either Unseen or us the blue dragons have to kill his soulmate in order to kill the revenant.