Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Am I?

I was Occupied.
There was an attack on Orange in jail.
NozBugz died.
Ingeel was also Occupied.

Oh so scary Observer claim watch out I’mma watch you to death.

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/vote ThePlex

lol. Baited.


Let’s be real. Sketch is getting Princecuted tonight. He’s the scummiest out of everyone.

Then we’ll work on Ingeel. The 2nd person to doubt my claim, but at the same time have other disagreements with Sketch.

I think Ingeel was converted last night.

If anyone should be executed it is you.

If Prince executes my claim over your flimsy guise then I’ll honestly be happy to be out of this game

You know what, that’s a great idea!

Hey Prince! You should jail somebody who’s hard claimed Observer who was Occupied when there were (apparently) two attacks! One on NozBugz, the other on Orange (so he claims).

And yeh, execute me!

Tell you what. If you doubt my claim of Observer, vote me up and execute me. But when I flip Observer, execute Sketch and get Ingeels ass on the stand tomorrow.

If ANYBODY that’s alive and active right now doubts that I’m Observer.

Vote me.

Something Frost said really makes sense to me.

Mastermind would go for a Noble claim.

So one of us has a decent chance of being Mastermind. Would you agree?

We should hang one and execute the other. If he doesn’t flip MM, execute me to remove doubt. I’m fine with that.

We have to hang someone today. And killing both of us gives a decent chance of killing PKR.

I’d like orange’s trusty fool nose on Plex, honestly. There’s no way he is Fool.

Vote Plex and execute me. I’m fine with risking one for the team here.


I was raised with Deleter, k1ll, and gobln

He was raised with much less aggressive players :stuck_out_tongue:

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If I haven’t done so yet, /vote Sketch

I’d rather off him now and take Prince for myself so I can at least be 100% confirmed

I’m still down for a Psychopathic King lynch though, since I’m like 70% on that being the case

Oh yeah also Plex was the other Noble claim

So he knew it was BS

So he wouldn’t try to convert the Noble claim

Sketch is the scummiest out of everyone.

The fact that he’s tried so hard to get me killed so soon, probably because he is Mastermind and he wants Assassin to kill Sheriff without Observer’s eyes watching. His whole “Yeh execute me” is 'cause the Ass will go Master.

I dunno, just seems like a whole load of bullshit.

Plus, I’ve had Phys two games in a row, it’s not impossible that Sketch got Mastermind two in a row.

Not sure if I did

/vote sketch

I too do not trust sketch.
/vote sketch

i cant vote sketch in good faith
i believe he is the prince
either him, or one other person (dont want to name in case im wrong)
the reason is just how smug he was being about surviving jail
it also explains how he could get info despite being role blocked
him visiting i think was to make people not think him jailor
also explains why is gunning for him (but that could just be my bias)
he could be evil

Sketch said he was visiting PKR… but was stopped by Merc.

How is that Prince in anyway?

But he proved there was a mercenary first, so it can’t be him.

The real Prince is still out there.


I do not believe Stetch is Prince.
He would have hinted at it by now.

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