Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win


I don’t want to hear his defence
Majority is reached apparently 9/8
Incase weirdly he turns bd
Was orange the first to push him?


Why are we hanging the MM if assasin just takes over. We don’t know for certain Simon is assasin. Shouldn’t we hang Simon instead?

I said that but plex has changed everyone’s mind.
By the time we get Simon up now we will run out of time

Hashtag: blame plex

Votes for guiltiness/non-guiltiness are usually invalid before defense, so you have to wait for the defense anyways… or for an announcement that the time to defend is over.

I don’t want a defence unless he is Prince then I’ll change it

I doubt it, he just said he tried to visit PKR.

Who was the observer who saw PKR visited by him?

Orange implied that he would know who the Prince is. So no.

Unknown right?

There’s mercenary claim who stopped Sketch and Unknown from visiting PKR.

and the Observer (claim), The Plex, was actually occupied, according to him.
I am the Sheriff, and we still don’t know the Sketch claim.

I have reason to believe that Sketch is guilty. I would still like to see his claim.


I was subbed half way through what made it a Merc instead of a cw?

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It’s not ruled out, true. It’s even better that Court Wizard can fill the remaining BD slot.

If there is no role list slots per faction are unknown correct

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Yeah stop talking about imaginary slots

Yeah, at least the general idea of role list can be used.

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But if I was gm I would screw you on that to make you work together rather than assume.
And make a arse out of yourself.