Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

You :clap: can’t :clap: vote :clap: on :clap: Day :clap: One :clap: you :clap: absolute :clap: lemon

I’m guessing we have cult as no one has been poisoned.
So I claim your all scum

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Hey! That’s not nice

Oh my god…

How wrong to point this out for me

Which I already bloody know.

Can someone end the day plz?

If there’s Cult then I am amazed they haven’t lost their single member

No seriously, two sheriff claims and there’s no Paladin to ruin their parade?

Frost are you feeling okay? I don’t know how to check for signs of a stroke just through typing but I’m fairly sure this is what has happened here.

Remember tonight btw.

You simply missed lot of discussion and you did not bother to check previous posts in Day 3.

I may be paranoid, but I know I won’t lose my sight what I have deduced so far.

Yesterday a shit load of ppl got voted, it is entirely probable there is a merc not a sellsword. You assuming there must be a sellsword is dumb and seems odd.

Mercenary has been converted Night 1, Assassin is jailed with fake claim of being attacked.

Because yes, the latter is confirmed when this fool died and makes possessor as second NK ruled out from the list and I am glad to prove the king is Psychopathic thanks to Pete.

I ask you again: Three deaths and two attempts of murder occured.

The Butler killed King

No but…are you trying to convince me this is cult game?

I just don’t understand why assassin hasn’t poisoned anyone during the fool faze.
Surprised orange hasn’t claimed he’s poisoned yet either.

If you going to remind him, yikes.

Anyway if this is cult game, then these two sheriff claims have dun goofed and that Plex is one of members posing as Observer.

But seriously this day is getting boring, so can someone type /nolynch please?

There is 0 fucking chance this is a cult game with several kills every night and 2 sheriff claims.

Assasin must have been rbed/attacked someone every night so only has 1 nightshade which is better to save.

They’ll probably kill Pete tonight so if Mole is really Knight he should 100% protect Pete, the only roleblocker.

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Where is the night plan everyone agrees on

Emphasis on EVERYONE

No emphasis on everyone half of u are evil I ain’t listening to you punks. The only confirmed is Pete and as we saw from Famine his night plans are…questionable :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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If the night plan was followed we would of won
I killed 3 scum at night and at least 2 in the day.
Feck u

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I am convinced the Sellsword will prevent any visits to Assassin which is Orange, which we can’t have the Knight attacking the Assassin unless Sellsword is occupied by Butler, but you have only one shot to get this right.

I am not risking Moleland to attack one of sheriff claims because that will backfire and cause three or four BD deaths at most.

I gave up listening to most of you :smiling_imp:
So is it fade or mole as poss sellsword

Yes, like several times before.

Then everyone leave orange alone
Hippo brings back Prince
Prince kills orange

So knight kill simon the mm
And I will block fade or mole
I won’t say who though

You mean Simon?

…The Knight can’t kill mastermind.