Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Butler do his part, the knight will too.

If we find out the knight won’t kill, then you’re cleared of suspicions, Orange.

Have Mole attack someone tonight maybe. We need him confirmed as Knight. You can attack your biggest scum read.

Jammy can protect Pete instead.

Be more specific, biggest scum read can be pretty much everyone.

Well I bet he isn’t Knight anyway. He should just kill someone who he thinks is evil frost. I think what I said was pretty self-explanatory. “Attack your biggest scum read” = attack the person most likely to be evil in your opinion…:roll_eyes:

Can someone make a classlist please so we can remember shit.
Otherwise I’ll do I when I get home.

PKR - Revenant
Polik - Prince - DEAD (Killed by Assassin)
Bounty -> PurpleyPete - Butler
FadeBlade - Sheriff claim
Jammy - Noble > The King (Attacked by first King)
Noz - Observer - DEAD
Unknown - Mercenary > Sellsword
Sketch - Fool - DEAD
ThePlex - Observer - DEAD (Killed by Sellsword)
Orange - The Assassin (Claims Maid, said Sketch is killer-type)
Moleland - Knight claim (Will be called out as Assassin instead if Orange turns out to be BD)
Damafaud - King (killed by Butler)
Frostwolf103 - Squire (attacked by Revenant)
Ingeel - The Noble
Simon - The Mastermind (Claims Squire)
Mantichora -> Hippolytus - ???

I love how you ignore everything I say and keep pushing me :roll_eyes:

Other than that though, that’s pretty solid, except for the fact that you’re covering for Ingeel by giving him a claim I don’t remember him making (why would Jammy PM their twin?) and assuming that you know who attacked who. I could only do that Day 1 because no Unseen would ever attack NozBugz.

Also, as I just thought of, why would I lie about being attacked in jail? Aside from the fact that, as far as I (and several others) knew, I wouldn’t be told I was attacked in FoL, but why would I give away the existance of the Unseen if I could instead let the idea that it could be a Cult game linger? The Unseen profit off of misdirection and chaos, and lying about being attacked reduced that.

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PKR - Revenant
Polik - Prince - DEAD
Bounty -> PurpleyPete - Butler
FadeBlade - Sheriff claim
Jammy - Noble > The King
Noz - Observer - DEAD
Unknown - Sheriff claim
Sketch - Fool - DEAD
ThePlex - Observer - DEAD (Killed by Sellsword)
orangeandblack5 - Maid claim (said Mole is killer-type)
Moleland - Knight claim
Damafaud - King (killed by Butler)
Frostwolf103 - Squire claim (attacked by Revenant?)
Ingeel - ???
Simon - Squire claim
Mantichora -> Hippolytus - ???

Here’s a no-assumptions version


I could only do that Day 1 because no Unseen would ever attack NozBugz.

You didn’t read Dama’s journal did you?

Plex told me he found a killer.
Orange is a killer

“Unknown wasn’t visited by Moleland last night, Mole claimed Knight early this day while Unknown claimed Sheriff.
Knight should have been on Sheriff.”

That’s what the dead said through PKR.

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He only proved my assumption lol

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Wait what does that say about me lol

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Frost, where are you even going with this? It kinda feels like you’re throwing @ThePlex under the bus again tbh

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Poke Around (Day) - Look in someone’s Bedchambers to determine their class type - 1 use

Matchmake (Night) - Try to ‘hook up’ 2 players, you will be told whether they are compatible or not (See Below) - Infinite Uses


Your defense got broken.

I’ll say this.
I was joking about Orange because Plex thought at the time that Orange might be Serpent.
As a result, I decided to make him seem more suspicious.
You’re welcome that I was honest.

Are you kidding me Frost

Obviously I used my night ability on Mole after I found out he was a Killer-type to compare him to Unknown

If you’re pushing me as scum for something that stupid, I honestly feel insulted that you’d believe I could be that dumb while fake-claiming

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Don’t make mistakes, that’s I am saying.

I didn’t :roll_eyes:

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Either way it’s not quite 100% accurate so this can end two ways:

Moleland is Knight and Unknown is Sheriff, making FadeBlade the Sellsword.

Moleland is Assassin and Unknown is Sellsword/Mastermind, making Fadeblade the Sheriff.

Mole is scum.
All of the dead agree on that.