Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

BTW: That day we still cared, I was inside your Anus

Wow. Such a polite person.
However, be logical here.
Chances of me being in a person Knight guards is slim.
If you decide for Knight to guard instead of kill tonight, you can lose majority

We have 2 knights lel

tbf MM is immune

One Knight might as well guard

I meant attacked the person Knight guards not being in them.

I Think we all know I am not famed for being polite


Also Sheriff.
Nice idea.
If the knights guard tonight instead of attacking.
Unseen can covert to 4 v 3.
With an enforcer, it could be curtains for BD

Just be quiet. Mm is getting blocked so get rekt

There’s a role which can block too?
What’re the remaining roles?

Simon - Assassin
Orange - Mastermind
Fade - Sheriff
Mole - Knight

Pete is Butler

@orangeandblack5 @Simon one of you might as well step up.
You’re screwed anyway and BD can still make mistakes

#Night Plan v1

Elect Fade

@Moleland cold steels me to prove my innocence
@PandaPete RB’s Simon
@Frostwolf103 guards Fade
@FadeBlade guards Frost

Anything I missed?

/elect Fade
/vote NoLynch

Mole will just be wasting a cold steel.
I object to it on behalf of BD

Stop voting on election when there is 1 candidate ._.

/not stepping up
Can we just end this king election now.
Welcome fade our new king.

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If everybody does, then can’t you just skip somebody else stepping up?

No. Unless I get 5 more /no steppings

/no step

/steps up for king
now vote fade please

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