Forum of lies 8 (BD & Serpent win)

eevee it wasnt a big deal at all man

Unless there serpant.
Otherwise no it’s not

Well, he confirmed me as mod as not one of the roles.

He shouldnt do it.

thats why I must and you forced my hand eevee

Eevee do you want to be modkilled.
Or move on with the game

to late for it he has damaged the game

Do butler gets to know if they were hugged by serpant’s snake?


Nah its fine leave it fade pls. He’s not confirmed anyway.

sorry no exceptions.

I vote reroll.
So I’m unconfirmed from my mistake

No fucking reroll nothing has happened


Can someone help me with my question please? Im new in this game

mod kills eevee

Well, kek

I don’t know the answer Anyone?

#eevee was mod killed he was the The Greedy

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hot damn

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“Jammy wipes the sweat from her head”

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