Forum of lies 8 (BD & Serpent win)

Fade is blackmailed, so he closes and opens the thread to signal it.

Currently 9 unclaimed roles by the way, don’t ask me.

Your just after a argument with ruby :rofl:

That’s a swear. Go ban yourself. Then check if you can unban when you are banned.

@eevee Even if that is ANY, there’s no guarantee role list to confirm this because only the GM knows everything.

fuk as you can see eevee I did a word around so I am fully within the rules

And with fade as the game host.
Anything is possible with loads of neutrals.

I never said any. I said 3rd neutral non-killing.

Thus you did.

Then go be mad at yourself now.

I also belive eevee you did break rule 16 as shown below by telling a mod to ban someone

Night 1

2 attacks

2 roleblocks/occupies

1 ns dead

so eevee I am gonna do something evil

takes a black star from eevee

Alchemist is neutral support

Wth is black star.

Your negative 1 black star wow

No way.

as I have a habit of forgetting everyone. I hand black stars out as proof I like you

Whelp, this turns out to be Unseen game after all–